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Policy Research

Public Policy Studies / White Papers
Content First produces comprehensive public policy research reports for clients on a range of domestic, international, and economic issues. Past studies have covered the European internal market program for U.S. business, the policy implications of the European standards-setting process, U.S. education and the high-technology industry, and the electricity crisis and the high-technology industry.

Legislative Tracking and Regulatory Policy
Need to monitor an issue in Washington? The Content First team is experienced in working with the U.S. Congress and the Federal Government in tracking congressional bills and regulatory issues, identifying the players, and providing the necessary content and intelligence to affect decisions.

Issue Fact Sheets and Industry Briefs
We produce quick "fact sheets" on public policy issues or  industry briefs focusing on one variable such as employment, wages, or R&D. These "fact sheets" can be used to explain your issue or industry to the policymakers, the press, and your customers, or can be designed for your web page.